User needs
Read our blog posts on user needs. You'll learn what user needs are and why this research technique is so essential to content design.
This summer, the Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) launched the Trio writing handbook. Nia writes about the challenges of being a solo Welsh speaker on a team, and why it’s important that CDPS is changing attitudes and approaches to Welsh translation.
In a webinar hosted by the Patient Information Forum, Nia shared her experiences of both designing and receiving patient information. Here she reflects on how content design can help health organisations deliver relevant, useful information that meets their users’ needs.
In April, we talked about building a bank of user needs for COVID-19. And we've done just that.
User stories and job stories are ways of capturing what a user wants to do. But, when to use which type of story? That's the question.
User needs are hard. There's no getting around that. So here's what you need to know to make them work for you.